WWE: Who Benefits From Levesque Taking Over Creative?

Considering the news that has been hitting the internet it should have come as no shock that Vince McMahon retired. The Levesque being hurled the ex-chairman’s way has been damning and a step away from the company was the best for all involved. The less said here the better but Vince stepping away has come with some profound changes in WWE. Most notable, Triple H has returned and taken on a much larger role with the company. As Head of Talent Relations and Creative, Paul “Triple H” Levesque will have his hands all over the on-screen product. This news had been met with optimism from those in and out of the industry. With what Levesque was able to accomplish with NXT it is hoped that he can replicate this on a grander scale. This will include more focus on wrestlers, within the company, who have been underutilized thus far.

Which of these men/women should be the most excited? Let’s take a look at some prime candidates below.

Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa was a beast in NXT. From his beginning with DIY to his main event run few were better. His character arc was brilliant and he became one of the best heels NXT has ever seen. A lot of this was due to Triple H. Levesque knowing the worth of Ciampa as a top guy pushed him as such.

Mirror that to Ciampa’s main roster run and you see a big difference. Ciampa has played second fiddle in every feud that he has been a part of and it’s embarrassing. Tomasso should be vying for a mid-card title at the very least, lending importance to it. We, and Ciampa, can only hope that Triple H rectifies this issue and treats the Black Heart like that incredible talent he is… And He’s already in line for a US Title Shot after RAW on August 1st.

Kevin Owens

Owens has been a prominent member of the WWE roster for years but has not lived up to his full potential. He is the best combination of wrestling ability and entertainment value and should be involved in the main event more than he should. Outside of the main event, he has turned every program into gold. This alone should prove his worth.

Only when Triple H was heavily involved with Owen’s development did he achieve a world championship win. It is only with Triple H back behind the curtain that Owens can get back to the top of the card.

Shayne Baszler

The Queen of Spades was a dominating force in NXT. Holding the NXT Women’s Championship for 416 days was an amazing accomplishment and set her up as one of the best on the roster.

Naturally, when she got called up to the main roster this success would be replicated right? Wrong. Baszler was the victim of some very suspect booking on Vince’s part. She never regained her dominating presence and it remains to be seen if she can regain her allure again.

With Trips in charge, we can only hope this will change. Triple H has a better understanding of how to book the former Ultimate Fighter. She needs to be the one holding a women’s championship and decimating all who oppose her. It will take some time but hopefully, Triple H can bring her back from the depths.

Stupid Main Roster Name Changes

Vince McMahon has had an obsession with owning everything. It has plagued him his entire career and has led to some very questionable decision-making. Namely, the need for Vince to change the name of wrestlers making their debut on the main roster.

In the past names such as Walter, Kenta, and Pete Dunne, to name a few, have had their names butchered. This is so Vince can own the property rights to everything associated with the wrestler. It is pathetic and just makes the wrestlers sound odd when being announced. Everyone in the world knows who these men are and no one is fooled by a name change.

Here is to hoping that Levesque veers away from these travesties and leaves well enough alone.

The Tag Team Division

It is no secret that Vince McMahon detested tag team wrestling. For some reason he always considered it to be second-class wrestling and the product has suffered because of it.

On the flip side of this, when Triple H was in charge of NXT tag team wrestling was outstanding. There was depth to the division and the match quality was off the charts. Tag team wrestling was treated like a top-level attraction and it was a golden era.

Triple H is now in charge of the main roster. There are some great teams there and if treated as such the division can be restored to its former glory. Triple H just needs to sprinkle the same magic on the division that he did during his time in NXT.
